Monday, November 24, 2014

American Soldier

This is the most powerful picture to me because it shows so much emotion. you can see that there is this bitter sweet feeling in the photo. the parents and friends are so happy to see him but they know he will have to leave soon again.

set #1 At home in Denver- from #1  to #8
set #2 At Basic Training- from #9  to #30
set #3 In Iraq- from #48  to #74
set #4 Back in Denver- from #75  to #82

When he is in Iraq, i think those are the most powerful images. It shows Just how much he as to go through mentally and physically. It shows us some of the hardest times in his life and the obstacles he had to overcome.
The images work to tell a story in the way that it goes through the events in his life pretty specifically. Because he is Constantly moving in his life and is involved in many different things, the images help capture all the action that would be hard to explain and together pour out emotion to the viewer.

In the photos that Ian is in the main subject, the verbs are written in present tense. the Captions let you know whats going on with Ian. It makes the viewer feel more attached to Ian and make them feel like they are with him. you Feel as if you are going on the journey with him and can understand him more.
Ian jokes with Carl about how when the Colonel bends down, they can see his underwear in Iraq. they thought it was funny how the Colonel wears bright pink boxers with kittens on it.  
 Ian sleeps for 4 hours after him and Joe were chasing chickens around the camp ground in Iraq. He felt tired from running for 30 minutes and went to his room and passed out.       

Ian stands outside of Bobs Car while eating Chili flavored Fritos. He Gained 250 Calories after eating a 5 pound bag of Fritos.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Magazine Tips

1. Don't judge the cover by how it looks on the screen.
2. Make the title and subtitle pop from the background.
3. Make sure the cover isn't invisible and have something dominant to pop.
4. Make sure to make the cover the right size.
5. Think about who you are targeting to see the cover and find what interest them most.

Cold, Electric, Purple


Monday, November 3, 2014

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and IOS

1. The eye is closely related to aperture.
2. the bigger the F number; the smaller the F number 
3. Aperture can determine whether to make the background blurry or clear. If you have a a smaller aperture the background will become more clear.
slow shutter speed

fast shutter speed            

For when its light out.
A. high
F. high

For when its dark out.

When the camera is set on auto, the camera sets aperture and shutter speed for you.
When the camera is set in aperture priority, you can set the aperture and the camera will set the shutter speed for you.
When you set the camera to Shutter Priority, you set the shutter speed and the camera sets the aperture.
When the camera is set in Manual mode, you chose the aperture and shutter.

ISO 200
ISO 3200
1. The advantages are that it can freeze motion and make it lighter without using flash.
2. When using a low ISO, you should shoot in a place that has enough light and is still.
3. When using a high ISO, you should shoot in low light and be okay with your photo turning out grainy. Also it freezes motion.

DSLR camera
1. the aperture goes from F2.8 to F22
2. the shutter speed goes from 1 second to 1/4000 of a second.
3. the ISO goes from 100 to 25600