Monday, February 23, 2015

News Values

Human Interest 
This article is driven by Human Interest, because it has to do with a missing dog which people can relate to. It doesn't even have to be a dog, people can relate to a sentimental missing item alone. The dog acts as an extra complexity to the story.

K-9 found: Police dog home after 2 months missing


This article is driven by Prominence because a shooting took place at a station and The people that live near that station were intrigued by this event and scared. Someones life was taken and that effect people around. 

Police: 1 dead, 1 injured in workplace shooting

This article is driven by proximity because it has to do with The longhorns baseball team and UT is located in Austin. People who live in in Austin will be interested to know what the Longhorns baseball team is up to.

Off To A Huge Start

This article is driven by timeliness since the Oscars just happened last night. People want to read to won what just in case they didn't have time to watch it and to see any crazy hings that happened at the after parties.

The Oscars

This article is driven by Impact because drugs have always been a big problem in the world and now having an adult that is expected to be trusted teach kids how to sell drugs raises an trustworthiness in schools. This makes parents worldwide worried.  

Maryland professor teaching students the business behind marijuana

This article is mainly driven by Conflict because there are two opposing forces, the dad and girls. The dad lets his retirement get in the way and drive him to kill his girls. People are interested in family killings and can relate to stress. 

Retired police officer kills his two daughters, himself 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Front Pages of the World

. My favorite newspaper front page was the Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, Cali., because the layout was very intriguing to me. It made me want to read it and it looked interesting.
. My favorite headline was "Night To Soar For Birdman", because the Oscars have always been a big topic in the US and hearing about the movie that won best picture draws an audience. Also the headline is bold, attractive, and catchy.
. Two stories are on the front page of the spread. 
. The headlines on all the Newspapers are bigger than the rest of the text. The main story always has the biggest pictures. the minor stories have smaller pictures. There is usually a story on the front page that is smaller than the rest and doesn't have a picture.  The name of the newspaper is at the top of the spread and is the biggest font and has a different font from the rest of the spread.
. Where the headlines are placed vary from spread to spread. The colors chosen to be used on the spread vary greatly in spreads. The fonts vary. The amount of pictures used vary from spread to spread.

Magazine cover Peer Review

I looked at a magazine called Vidorra by Emily Lawson. I like the complexity in the background of the picture, and I liked the simplicity of the font. I think making the background clear instead of blurry would look cooler. I picked this cover, because the uniqueness stood out to me. the creator put something so personal in the background, her art, something that represents her. I think that creates a special feel to the cover. Yes, there is a bar code. Yes, the bar code made the cover more magazine like. It was a self portrait, because the creator took it of them self in a mirror.

Peer Review Prompt Shoot

My favorite photo was the connected photo because it was very creative. I would have never thought to use a chains for connected. Also the photo is really clear and looks mysterious. 
My least favorite image is the one used for the prompt "8", because i think a better subject could have been used. I like the edit of black an white that was used but i think more creativity could have been done that just holding up 8 fingers.
I really like your photos overall, because they are clear and to the point. the lighting used makes the photos look more complex and i like that. I also love your photos, because of the overall creativity. the foot print in mud without the foot leaves behind questions about what foot it was.
Overall,i think they could improve on better sighting, all the photos are so simple that i think some complexity could be good.
From my opinion, the best prompt portrayed was the connected photo. because the inks between the objects are so relevant.
The least portrayed to me was the pose prompt, because not much was really showed to me other than a person standing.

5 websites - Time Lapse

The key to a good time lapse is patience. You need to fine a place that is interesting and set the camera at a good place, that will capture a good image and that will change over time. Also make sure each set up has a  lot of things in it, so when the audience is looking around they have a lot to look at. Another note is to keep the image up for a long time so people can look around for a while. Another note is to set up the camera at a place where the lighting will change. where the sun goes up or down, where people turn lights off or on.
 This is the site of the video i watched.   They took it in Rio, a city with a complex look, that is very beautiful.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

5 websites. 6 types of Photos

One type of photo type that a photographer should know about is forced perspective. you can have a lot of fun with making it look like people are taller than they are or things are smaller than they really are.  i like this photo the most because its funny and creative to make it look like a girl is hanging on a cup that is bigger than her.

5 websites Style 101

The number one rule in style is to be original. Its not style if you aren't being creative. I picked this as my favorite photo from the style website, because it really represents the originality in her choice of clothing. you dont see people with hair like hers or blue eye shadow on the street everyday. style is stepping out of the norm and being yourself.