Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Justin Lane
I like this photo because it shows a lot of emotion in the picture. The photographer made the photo super clear on the target and blurred out the background which gives the main subject even more significant. I think this photo made the cut because it is a very relatable photo and many people feel real emotions for the man.

Unknown Photographer
I like this photo because the subjects have so much emotion pouring out of them and the viewer feels their emotion. The photographer took the photo without a blur in the background and because there is an everyday man in the background it makes the photo more real. I think this photo made the cut because  its such a sweet amazing moment caught on film.

Unknown Photographer
I like this photo because you can see just how much this kid is holding back, just how much he wants to let out but he know he can't. Without even seeing the older mans face in this photo I can feel the amount of sympathy he has for this kid. the photographers angle is perfect because you can really see the emotions on the subjects faces but they aren't even looking at you. I think this photo made the cut because it is a very relatable to other families and children who have a love one fighting for their country.

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