Monday, October 20, 2014

abandoned theme parks

I would like to visit Lincoln Park in Dartmouth, Massachusetts because its has a very creepy vibe to it. I feel like I could take some really cool pictures from angles if i went there. I also like how the roller coasters there are broken. The way they are broken is very distinct. Also I like how the landscape around it has grown. There are trees and bushes that are slowly taking over the park just pouring into it. It really gives the viewer the sense that the park is abandoned.

5 Unusual Photos Places
1. Abandoned water parks
2. Abandoned Malls
3. Abandoned Gas Stations
4. Abandoned Football Stadium 
5. Abandoned Churches 

I really like this photo because this really creepy feel to it and it just makes you feel very uncomfortable and empty inside. I would want to shoot in a empty mall because I could make the photos feel very creepy and a mall is so big that there are so many places to go to take photos. there are also so many creative ideas and angle to shoot. Having something be very spacious ad empty can make a person feel emotion for it and I want to make people feel emotion for my photos. also the lighting in a mall is great to take photos.

For me to be able to go and take photos at an abandoned mall I would need a car ride to an abandoned mall and a camera but I own my own camera. I think that its legal to take photos at abandoned malls but I would look into it and ask permission just in case I needed to. I would also need back up because abandoned malls are scary.

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