Thursday, October 16, 2014

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

I didn't experience many problems. Everything was pretty easy to shoot. The only thing that I found difficult to shoot was Simplicity. Because we were in a school, I couldn't seem to ever find a subject that was alone or find  a background without people or posters in. I really kept in mind The Rule Of Thirds because I wanted to make sure I did it right. I made sure to do this right by really shifting my body over and putting the subject in the corner of one of the photos. If i could do the assignment again, I would shoot in the library. or I would shoot in the court yard because it would be easy to get simplicity. I would still go into class rooms and shoot from different angles. I think the rule easiest to achieve will be framing. I understand that rule very well. I still think simplicity will be the hardest to capture because there are not many simple places in life. I am totally clear about all rules but if I were to be confused I would just look it up and read more about it.

I really like the simplicity of the photos and i really like how well he followed the rules for the photos. One thing I think he could have done better is the framing.  The framing around his photo isn't very clear.

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