Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Big day

There is a man in a car racing to get to a place. he keeps running into things that slow him down. there is a women at a church in a wedding dress with other women around her in dresses. she looks down at her ring then out the window in a gaze. the man finally reaches his destination and runs into the church, as the women is standing at the alter with her future husband.

John is racing to Jenna as she prepares for her wedding day at the Chapel on Friday because he wants to stop her wedding by barging in on the ceremony.

"Cmon, Cmon, move"... John said to himself lightly as he drove furiously through the winding rode in the middle of nowhere. "You look beautiful Jenna" said her friends as they finished touching her up and getting her dress ready. " Thank you" said Jenna as she smiled and looked afar. John starts to sweat as he races to Jenna through the misty woods. Jenna looks down at her ring ten out at the window searching for something.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Baltimore Photo

If i were a photographer in Baltimore, i would be very scared and fear for my life. But as a photographer i would think of it as an amazing opportunity to capture history in a photo. This event is very tragic but its a part of history in the US and we need to capture it.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Nut Graf

A Nut Graf is the point in a story where you "Nutshell" it up. Its the point where you tell people why it is important in the first place to be reading about it. For example you can talk about the party all you want but the nut paragraph will tell you why it was important and why you went in the first place. It is what gives your story fuel and rive for the reader to keep reading.

The paragraph is the "So what" section. It allows the readers to just get to the point of the story and stop worrying bout the details also they can have a underlining tone in the writing. It what the readers want to hear. Readers dont want that many details because they dont have a lot of patience. They just want the point of the story which is what the Nut Graf is.

Student of The Month Story

Who: Mackenzie Martel
What:She won Student of the Month
Where: James Bowie High school
When: April 22
Why: She is a superior students who makes straight A's
How: The Teachers came together and rounded up the top 5 students, compared them, and chose the best one.

Mackenzie Martel won Student of the Month on April 22 at James Bowie High School for being a superior student and making all A's by the teachers who came together to decide the student for the Month of April. The teachers come together and pick the top 5 students out of a class then consider all aspects of the student. And halfway through the month they decide the student.

Inverted Pyamid

Thursday, April 16, 2015

My First Interview

Hannah Wolfson

1. Why did you get this award?
I'm a superior student who makes good grades.
2. What makes you work so hard?
My family really encourages me and I go through tough times at home so I really need a scholarship.
3. Do you have straight A's?
 yes, i make straight 100's.
4. Have you improved in School Work?
At the beginning of high school, i was caught off guard because it was so intense, but i soon learned the effort i needed to put in to make good grades.
5. Do you play Sports?
Yes, i swim at 6 am every morning. 
6. What activities do you do outside of school?
I'm on the science Olympiad team so i go to competitions on weekends, I play chess, and i take photos for yearbook. 
7. What is your motivation in School?
My motivation is that these grades will help me get into a good school. which will help me get into a good college and with that I can have a good future. 
8. What does this award mean to you?
It means a lot because i worked really hard for it.
9. Do you think you are deserving of his award?
yes, I deserve it more than anyone.
10. Did you know you would receive this award?
I did, because Im superior compared to everyone else.
11. have you ever received this award before?
 No, but i did every six weeks in middle school.
12. What is you best subject in school?
Everything, i dont know im just perfect. 
13. Have there been any negative effects from other students after winning this award?
Well no, because i dont have any friends.
14. How many hours do you spend doing homework?
I spend about 4 hours a day doing homework. 
15. What do you hope yo do in the future with academics?
I want to be a biology professor at Brown university. 
16. How do you receive the student of the month award?
Making good grades and being a perfect student.
17. Is the award for all subjects?
yes, every subject is taken into account when thinking about the award.
18. What do you want to be when you grow up?
 A successful money making chic.
19. what college do you hope to attend?
I hope to attend Rice University on a full scholarship. 
20. What tips do you have for other students to achieve this award?
Study and have no friends. 

School Uniforms

School Uniforms

Sources: The principal of Bowie, School Student , and the Counselor

1. Why are you enforcing school uniforms?
2. What do you hope to accomplish in this new rule?
3. How do you think the students will react to this new rule?
4. Are you scared of the backlash?
5. What are the penalties for not following the dress code?
6. Are there variations in the uniforms?
7. Do you think people will follow this rule?
8. Are the kids allowed to wear jewelry?
9. What are the colors in the uniform?
10. Do girls have to wear skirts?
11. Do boys have to wear ties?
12.Is the rule temporary?
13. Are there days when they dont have to wear the uniform?
14.Do the teachers and the rest of the faculty have a dress code?
15. Will students be forced to buy the uniform?
16. Are shoes part of the dress code?
17. Can students decorate their uniforms?
18. Is there an grade limit to the uniforms? For example, do seniors have to wear uniforms?
19. Can girls wear the guys' uniform and guys wear the girls' uniform?
20.Are Privates schools forced to follow this rule?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

Architecture Preview

1. Javier Senosiain 2. 2006 3. Mexico City 4. Private 5. $218,000 6. a young couple wanted it. 7. I picked it because because its so pretty and odd. its not normal for people to live in a shell but a real couple does and thats really cool. this building is very colorful and that draws so much attraction. i love the shape, design, and color. i just love it.

1. Piet Blom 2. 1974 and 1977. 3. Helmond and Rotterdam Netherlands. 4. Its a building you can visit but people actually live there. 5. 300,000 euro and above. 6. The history of the building is that they wanted to create a different type of house and people bought them. 7. I choose this building because its so interesting and out of the ordinary. The houses are diagonal and cubed so it makes people stop and really take a moment to just look at them.

1. Feliciano GuimarĂ£es 2. 1966 3. Fafe Mountains in Portugal. 4. Its a private building but someone lives there. 5. i have no idea how much it costs. there isn't much info on it. 6. This history of the building is that two rock boulders are close to each other and so they built a house between them. 7. I chose this photo because its so weird and doesn't make any sense why someone would live in a rock.

1. André Waterkeyn 2. 1958 3. Belgium 4. You can visit this building. its not private. 5 There isn't a cost on it. it was built as a tourist attraction. 6. the history behind it, is that they built it for the people and you can go inside and party.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sensory Overload

1. I think its a very deep statement that requires a deep analysis from a smart person. It takes a certain kind of brain to think about things in that way. I think its interesting and makes me look at things in a different way. I defiantly agree with this quote. This makes me feel more adept to my photography and helps me better shoot things to better understand what image i am capturing.
2. When i looked through i defiantly wanted to take pictures because its just a place that needs to be captured on camera. Its magnificent and so colorful.
3. I think it would be awesome and i would want to go to go to work with them everyday. life would probably be petty great because we would be rich and i would be happy with toys.
4. My favorite photo is by far the one with a a bunch of dolls hung up all over the room. there are colorful bears everywhere and the room is ink and yellow and blue with bears all colors.

Action Shoot

A boy is standing in the middle of a parking lot. He has just peed his pants and doesn't know what to do.
Johnny is jumping for joy before he gets to his car. He has just received his driver license on his birthday.
Timmy decides to jog back and forth. He tried to settle his nerves before the big chem test.
Aaron jogs toward me to take my ice cream. little does he know its yogurt and he's allergic to it.