Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Big day

There is a man in a car racing to get to a place. he keeps running into things that slow him down. there is a women at a church in a wedding dress with other women around her in dresses. she looks down at her ring then out the window in a gaze. the man finally reaches his destination and runs into the church, as the women is standing at the alter with her future husband.

John is racing to Jenna as she prepares for her wedding day at the Chapel on Friday because he wants to stop her wedding by barging in on the ceremony.

"Cmon, Cmon, move"... John said to himself lightly as he drove furiously through the winding rode in the middle of nowhere. "You look beautiful Jenna" said her friends as they finished touching her up and getting her dress ready. " Thank you" said Jenna as she smiled and looked afar. John starts to sweat as he races to Jenna through the misty woods. Jenna looks down at her ring ten out at the window searching for something.

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