Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sensory Overload

1. I think its a very deep statement that requires a deep analysis from a smart person. It takes a certain kind of brain to think about things in that way. I think its interesting and makes me look at things in a different way. I defiantly agree with this quote. This makes me feel more adept to my photography and helps me better shoot things to better understand what image i am capturing.
2. When i looked through i defiantly wanted to take pictures because its just a place that needs to be captured on camera. Its magnificent and so colorful.
3. I think it would be awesome and i would want to go to go to work with them everyday. life would probably be petty great because we would be rich and i would be happy with toys.
4. My favorite photo is by far the one with a a bunch of dolls hung up all over the room. there are colorful bears everywhere and the room is ink and yellow and blue with bears all colors.

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