Thursday, April 16, 2015

School Uniforms

School Uniforms

Sources: The principal of Bowie, School Student , and the Counselor

1. Why are you enforcing school uniforms?
2. What do you hope to accomplish in this new rule?
3. How do you think the students will react to this new rule?
4. Are you scared of the backlash?
5. What are the penalties for not following the dress code?
6. Are there variations in the uniforms?
7. Do you think people will follow this rule?
8. Are the kids allowed to wear jewelry?
9. What are the colors in the uniform?
10. Do girls have to wear skirts?
11. Do boys have to wear ties?
12.Is the rule temporary?
13. Are there days when they dont have to wear the uniform?
14.Do the teachers and the rest of the faculty have a dress code?
15. Will students be forced to buy the uniform?
16. Are shoes part of the dress code?
17. Can students decorate their uniforms?
18. Is there an grade limit to the uniforms? For example, do seniors have to wear uniforms?
19. Can girls wear the guys' uniform and guys wear the girls' uniform?
20.Are Privates schools forced to follow this rule?

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