Monday, December 15, 2014

Extra Credit.

1. A man was trying to calm down and a guy who was harassing people who passed by. In trying to do this, he was pushed on to the tracks of the subway station.  He struggled to pull himself up and couldn't. The man with the camera tried to take pictures with flash to warn the subway driver but it didn't work.
2. The photographer took the photo in trying to warn the driver of the man on the tracks.
3. I do not think the photographer should have taken the photo, i think he should have spent that time, getting the man out of the tracks.
4. I dont think so, because he cared more about his career than helping a poor man. He should have tried harder to pull him out than take pictures.
5. I agree, because the photo is already taken and there isn't anything else you can do so you might as well use it to talk about the story. 
6. I think to photojournalist, its capturing photos, because they want an image more than they want to help.
7. I think its not okay, because they should capture events as they are, not as they want them to be.
8. no, they should try and help, not just stand back and watch.
9. I think the response of being ashamed is most accurate.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Final Exam Review

Ethan Budd is escaping the terror of the African officials trying to kill him and his family. They have put up a fence around his home so he can't escape.
The wall of innocence is standing between Texas and Mexico, separating the people from killing each other. The wall was made on the Fourth of July in Honor of Trek Lou.
Joel Keelan is jumping  from the Shady Hollow building in Tokyo, Japan. He has suffered with depression since he was 15 years old.

1. Rule of thirds - putting the subject up in one of the corners of the picture
2. Balancing Elements- having the subject in the photo balance out with something else. 
3. Leading Lines- lines in the photo that draw your attention to the subject. 
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- helps keep the focus on the subject of the photo. 
5. Viewpoint- keeping the imgae very straight forward. 
6. Background- making the photo have more stuff going on in it. 
7. Create depth making the photo more interesting and not so simple. 
8. Framing- creating a border around the photo. 
9. Cropping -cutting the photo for style choice. 
10. Mergers and avoiding them- not making it look like stuff is coming out of people that looks unatural. 

Aperture- controls the amount of light let in. 
Shutter speed- controls the amount of time it takes to snap the photo
ISO- controls the light exposure let in. 

Photoshop is an okay thing to do except when you go too far. Its not okay to manipulate someones body type in photoshop. its just morally wrongs. it teaches the wrong lessons to girls about there body figure. its okay to have fun and make it look like your under the see but messing with body types for example is going too far.  

Monday, November 24, 2014

American Soldier

This is the most powerful picture to me because it shows so much emotion. you can see that there is this bitter sweet feeling in the photo. the parents and friends are so happy to see him but they know he will have to leave soon again.

set #1 At home in Denver- from #1  to #8
set #2 At Basic Training- from #9  to #30
set #3 In Iraq- from #48  to #74
set #4 Back in Denver- from #75  to #82

When he is in Iraq, i think those are the most powerful images. It shows Just how much he as to go through mentally and physically. It shows us some of the hardest times in his life and the obstacles he had to overcome.
The images work to tell a story in the way that it goes through the events in his life pretty specifically. Because he is Constantly moving in his life and is involved in many different things, the images help capture all the action that would be hard to explain and together pour out emotion to the viewer.

In the photos that Ian is in the main subject, the verbs are written in present tense. the Captions let you know whats going on with Ian. It makes the viewer feel more attached to Ian and make them feel like they are with him. you Feel as if you are going on the journey with him and can understand him more.
Ian jokes with Carl about how when the Colonel bends down, they can see his underwear in Iraq. they thought it was funny how the Colonel wears bright pink boxers with kittens on it.  
 Ian sleeps for 4 hours after him and Joe were chasing chickens around the camp ground in Iraq. He felt tired from running for 30 minutes and went to his room and passed out.       

Ian stands outside of Bobs Car while eating Chili flavored Fritos. He Gained 250 Calories after eating a 5 pound bag of Fritos.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Magazine Tips

1. Don't judge the cover by how it looks on the screen.
2. Make the title and subtitle pop from the background.
3. Make sure the cover isn't invisible and have something dominant to pop.
4. Make sure to make the cover the right size.
5. Think about who you are targeting to see the cover and find what interest them most.

Cold, Electric, Purple


Monday, November 3, 2014

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and IOS

1. The eye is closely related to aperture.
2. the bigger the F number; the smaller the F number 
3. Aperture can determine whether to make the background blurry or clear. If you have a a smaller aperture the background will become more clear.
slow shutter speed

fast shutter speed            

For when its light out.
A. high
F. high

For when its dark out.

When the camera is set on auto, the camera sets aperture and shutter speed for you.
When the camera is set in aperture priority, you can set the aperture and the camera will set the shutter speed for you.
When you set the camera to Shutter Priority, you set the shutter speed and the camera sets the aperture.
When the camera is set in Manual mode, you chose the aperture and shutter.

ISO 200
ISO 3200
1. The advantages are that it can freeze motion and make it lighter without using flash.
2. When using a low ISO, you should shoot in a place that has enough light and is still.
3. When using a high ISO, you should shoot in low light and be okay with your photo turning out grainy. Also it freezes motion.

DSLR camera
1. the aperture goes from F2.8 to F22
2. the shutter speed goes from 1 second to 1/4000 of a second.
3. the ISO goes from 100 to 25600

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Love and Loss

At the beginning I felt joy in looking at how happy they were together and as i worked my way down I began have sad emotions bubble up inside of me. I saw how hard things got for them and it made me feel pity for them. I got to see how she fought and how she would get upset and miserable.  I think what he meant when he said this was the photos show what hard times they went through and how sad things got sometimes.  they show her having cancer and being sick. But the thing is, they went through this and lived with it. It doesn't mean that's who they are, just because she had cancer doesn't mean she is cancer.
 I think I could shoot photos like this but it would be very hard for me to document suffering. I would tell Angelo that I respect him for not leaving her side and deciding to stay with her and fight with her and love her. it must have been hard for him to take pictures and stay positive but he did it or him and for her. He loved her for everything she was worth and he doesn't regret a thing. That's a man to respect and he deserves to live the rest of his life happy.

Monday, October 20, 2014

abandoned theme parks

I would like to visit Lincoln Park in Dartmouth, Massachusetts because its has a very creepy vibe to it. I feel like I could take some really cool pictures from angles if i went there. I also like how the roller coasters there are broken. The way they are broken is very distinct. Also I like how the landscape around it has grown. There are trees and bushes that are slowly taking over the park just pouring into it. It really gives the viewer the sense that the park is abandoned.

5 Unusual Photos Places
1. Abandoned water parks
2. Abandoned Malls
3. Abandoned Gas Stations
4. Abandoned Football Stadium 
5. Abandoned Churches 

I really like this photo because this really creepy feel to it and it just makes you feel very uncomfortable and empty inside. I would want to shoot in a empty mall because I could make the photos feel very creepy and a mall is so big that there are so many places to go to take photos. there are also so many creative ideas and angle to shoot. Having something be very spacious ad empty can make a person feel emotion for it and I want to make people feel emotion for my photos. also the lighting in a mall is great to take photos.

For me to be able to go and take photos at an abandoned mall I would need a car ride to an abandoned mall and a camera but I own my own camera. I think that its legal to take photos at abandoned malls but I would look into it and ask permission just in case I needed to. I would also need back up because abandoned malls are scary.

Reaction to Africa

I really like what his passion is to take photos. He doesn't care so much about them being documented as great dramatic photos but rather the actual subject and state of being in the photo. He really takes in all is surroundings and focuses on what is there and not the camera. He likes to live in the moment and really cares about the beings he captures on camera.

This photo is of an adult elephant and a baby elephant. The baby elephant is on the ground. the adult elephant looks sad. This is my favorite photo because i really like elephants and the emotion in this Picture is so overwhelming. I like the body language of the elephants in the photo and the natural look on their faces. Simplicity is evident in this photo because there is nothing in the background other than the empty grey sky. The rule of lines is also evident in this photo because there are lines all over the elephants and lines horizons in the background. 

Nick Brandt
 Nick uses pentax 67II with two fixed lens. He uses these lenses and not the telephoto because he wants to get close to them and understand their personality. He takes these pictures because he wants to capture the beauty of an animal before they are acting in the wild. His hope is that we humans will stop putting them in danger because he believes everybody has an equal right to live.
"What I am interested in is showing the animals simply in the state of Being."-Nick Brandt

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Funny Captions

Fickle Fin is smiling with sunglasses on that have a hooters girl in them. He was somewhere outside in the photo and stared at something that made him happy.

Carl, Robert, Sandy, and Lenard are sunning their selves on a bench on a Sunday afternoon. They were upset in the picture and tried to make the photographer mad.
Grandma Pappy is lighting a cigaret on her 100th birthday. She was in her house celebrating her birthday but no one showed up.

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

I didn't experience many problems. Everything was pretty easy to shoot. The only thing that I found difficult to shoot was Simplicity. Because we were in a school, I couldn't seem to ever find a subject that was alone or find  a background without people or posters in. I really kept in mind The Rule Of Thirds because I wanted to make sure I did it right. I made sure to do this right by really shifting my body over and putting the subject in the corner of one of the photos. If i could do the assignment again, I would shoot in the library. or I would shoot in the court yard because it would be easy to get simplicity. I would still go into class rooms and shoot from different angles. I think the rule easiest to achieve will be framing. I understand that rule very well. I still think simplicity will be the hardest to capture because there are not many simple places in life. I am totally clear about all rules but if I were to be confused I would just look it up and read more about it.

I really like the simplicity of the photos and i really like how well he followed the rules for the photos. One thing I think he could have done better is the framing.  The framing around his photo isn't very clear.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

 What caught my eye in this photo was the emotion that goes into the photo. there is so much action, suspense, and feeling in the photos. I see in this photo dead people, and smoke. I see trees and guns. I smell smoke and gun powder. I hear shot beg fired from and guns and the constant yelling. I taste blood and salt that runs down my face. I feel respect for the men in the photo.

This photo caught my eye because this is abnormal. not many peoples fingers look that way which meant something was wrong with this person. I also really like how they shot the angle from the bottom. Most of the photo is blurred but the part that is left open defines the photo. I see a sick person in this photo. I see skinniness and doctors. i smell what an hospital would smell like. i hear people screaming in the emergency room and utter chaos. I taste medicine and I feel sorry for the person in this photo and scared for them.

I would like to create a panel of some sort to display somewhere in the school that everyone can see. It would be in a place that everybody passes and on a hard board panel. I want to put photos on the board.  The photos would show people my art.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

photography street art

We could do an academic theme. take pictures of our hard work and plaster it up on walls to show people our hard work. i think we should open it up to regular cameras too because it simply wouldn't be fair if somebody had a phone with no camera or just didn't have a phone at all. I think I would want to put the mural on the academic building because the building is kind of boring already and it would fit with the theme.

Monday, October 6, 2014

academic shoot

I think I followed really well on this photo because there are a lot of lines in the picture and they all lead to the same subject. The subject is the kid wearing a black tank top sitting in a chair and drawing. i think its basically clear what the subject is because he is up front and clear. The guy in the background of the photo is blurred. 
rule of thirds
I think I followed the rule very well on this photo because I put the main subject in the top left of the photo. The Subject is the girl wearing the dark blue dress sitting in the chair drawing. I think its very clear what the subject is. There is a lady walking down the middle but she is blurred and far away. The girl in the chair on the other hand is up front and clear. 
I don't think I did the best I could have for this rule because there are stuff in the background but he is the only subject in the photo. I don't like that there is stuff on the board in the background. The subject is the guy in the grey shirt and black shorts looking upward. I think its very clear who the subject is but the only thing is that the background is just too noisy.
I think I followed this rule very well because its clear the side and bottom framing. it really looks like he is enclosed by this poles and it makes a perfect square. The subject of the photo is the kid in the blue shirt with black pants sitting at a desk working. It is incredibly clear who the subject is because he is upfront and clear.

The rule for this photo is displayed very well in this photo because there are 2 students on each side and the desk make a square. Also there body shape on each side is the same so the body shapes are in balance. The subject in the photo is 4 boys. there is the kid in the white shirt, the grey shirt, the dark grey shirt, and the back shirt. its very clear who the subjects are in the photo and they balance out nicely.  

Friday, September 26, 2014

Academics and Community Service

My favorite photo was the one with the girl in the background pouring pink paint and the pink paint is splattering up a little. The background is blurred with her in it and it just focuses on the paint. i picked this photo because it really stands out to me. i like how they only focus in on the paint. Lines are evident in the photo because they lead to the middle of the bowl with the paint. the photo avoids mergers.
I think i could take photos like this in the chemistry or physics room.
I want to shoot in a science room.
I will use the rules of photography and  make sure my photos are clear.

Filling the Frame

i think this photo fills the frame really well because the only thing in the picture is the scientist and what they are doing. there isn't really any background to distract us of what is happening in the photo. also the main thing is lit up purple and the things around it which are the people have been darkened. this makes it look like its enclosed and nothing else can fit in the picture.

Action and Emotion

The action in this photo is that all these kids are gathered around a table wit some sort of gas coming out . they are putting their hands in the gas and you can just feel the excitement pouring out of these kids. All of their facial expressions shows excitement and amazement.

The story

I think this photo tells a story because there is so much going on it it and it doesn't look like they meant for whatever is happening in this photo to happen. there faces look surprised so  i don't think they expected it and something is exploding. they also look amazed and excited to what is happening.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Most and least unethical Photoshop

I think this photo is the most unethical because it is against women's natural bodies. It makes women think that they have to have a perfect fitting body or else they are just ugly. It will make them feel uncomfortable in their own skin and every women should e comfortable. Women aren't objects that people cam rearrange how they like, they are people and his photo discriminates against women.
I think this photo is the least unethical because this doesn't really have as much as an impact on the world. Not many people will notice this because it is a rather hard thing to notice and if people do notice not many will care. it was meant to hurt anybody or meant to make people think differently, it was only so they could physically fit the photo. Unlike the others these changes were more physical than mental.

Photoshop Taken Too Far

Photoshopping can be a fun thing until you take it too far. It becomes a problem when it starts to effect others in the world. We need to be careful in the future to not change photos too much and take it too far. This type of photo editing is unacceptable because these type of changes make a huge impact on the world. It takes edition too far and changes the photo to a point ere it is saying something completely different.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Post Shoot Reflection

I didn't encounter many problems but i will admit for some of the prompt I had trouble coming up with stuff more creative. I tried to make the photo simple and clear. I also made sure that the camera was straight and none of the photos were off balance. I would do some framing photos because i think photos like that look much more interesting. I would keep the photos I took, because I liked the idea of all my photos. I'm interested to shoot them again, because i would have the rules in my mind and I want to see the difference between the photos i took first and the photos that i applied the rules to.

Her photos are very clear and natural. She takes her photos from good angles.
I think she could be a little more creative with what she takes photos of.

Rule of Thirds

This photo represents rule of thirds because the girl in the green jacket is in the bottom third of the photo and she is the main subject.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


This photo represents framing because the subjects of the photo are framed in by the black and white pictures of the people which make us focus in more on them.


This photo represents balance because because the three mane figures make a shape and they are standing alone. The debris around it is all on the ground but the figures are standing p which balances out the photo.


This represents lines because there are lines in the background and then there is a single man falling down. The subject pops from the photo because the lines are going down and the man is falling down which lead you towards him.

The Rule of Thirds


This represents simplicity because there is a single eagle in the picture and then a plain black background. You can easily tell that the eagle is the main subject of the photo and nothing else is distracting it.


This photo represents mergers because the man getting treated looks like there is a telephone pole coming out of him and some rod is coming out of his back. Also the lady in the photo looks like there are hands coming out of her stomach.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

National Geographic

This is my favorite photo because its so clear and so blue. I like how the shark is staring right at the people and the people don't look scared. I also like how you can see all the scars on the shark and it makes you wonder about his life and what happened. I would take a photo of an eagle. It is important, and they are so alive.

Touching People

I think this idea is very creative. It also brings people closer together and shows the world that we are all equal and can all come together as one. If someone asked me to participate in a photo shoot, I would probably say yes, because I'm pretty out going and open to a lot of things also I love pictures. Now if he asked me to touch another stranger, I would probably be a little hesitant to it at first, but if he talked me through it and made me feel more comfortable with it then i would probably do it. I think maybe going out and sitting with people who are eating and start to eat with them would be a really funny and interesting shoot. I think the photographer is pretty interesting and likes to test humans, but the photos were not my favorite. I personally like photos with more emotion in them but they were still good.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Justin Lane
I like this photo because it shows a lot of emotion in the picture. The photographer made the photo super clear on the target and blurred out the background which gives the main subject even more significant. I think this photo made the cut because it is a very relatable photo and many people feel real emotions for the man.

Unknown Photographer
I like this photo because the subjects have so much emotion pouring out of them and the viewer feels their emotion. The photographer took the photo without a blur in the background and because there is an everyday man in the background it makes the photo more real. I think this photo made the cut because  its such a sweet amazing moment caught on film.

Unknown Photographer
I like this photo because you can see just how much this kid is holding back, just how much he wants to let out but he know he can't. Without even seeing the older mans face in this photo I can feel the amount of sympathy he has for this kid. the photographers angle is perfect because you can really see the emotions on the subjects faces but they aren't even looking at you. I think this photo made the cut because it is a very relatable to other families and children who have a love one fighting for their country.

Happy, Metal, Bowie, Square Prompt

I avoided mergers in this photo.


 i made this photo very clear what the subject is.

I used simplicity in this photo i think because its  a pretty blank background.